Funny fail story

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  • Questo topic ha 0 risposte, 1 partecipante ed è stato aggiornato l'ultima volta 13 anni, 8 mesi fa da Anonimo.
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  • #15387

    My confession is… My boyfriend proposed to me last week and I felt guilty. We’ve been dating for three years and I really, really love him but I’ve not been totally honest with him. Truth is, before I met him, I swore off dating. This is because I have a condition. It’s genetic and it affects only the females in my family. It got to know about it when I was fifteen. That was the year my mum died. I learnt also the reason I have only uncles on my mother’s side and why my mother married very early. The doctor said, it’ll kill me sometime between 30 and 35. I’m 28, what sort of happiness could I give him?

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